My life will never be the same after having met Cora at the practice putting green at Pebble Beach! She is a one-of-a-kind, the good kind along with her husband Marc!
“Me and my new friend Andy Reistetter. He is an author and sports writer for Bleacher. He was working for CBS and I kept talking to him until we became friends. This place is like summer camp!” (Facebook Post, Cora Golden Blesher, 2/27/11)
Cora: “Andy it was great meeting you! You are a true professional and gentleman. Pebble Beach is like summer camp to me. You meet great people and then you all have to go home. But we have FB now! Take care.”
Andy: “Cora- it was great meeting you and your husband Marc… thanks for updating me on Jackie Flynn- he was a great interview and I am happy how he finished despite Garrigus’ W/D… pls send me the pics of me working on the practice putting green as all my friends think I am a slacker…”
It was always a treat to see Marc and Cora at Pebble Beach in February! In 2016, on the West Coast Golf Journey, I visited them at their home in Newburg, Oregon overlooking the Chehalem Glenn Golf Course!
Friends for life!