Arriving early on a calm morning at the Clubhouse at TPC Sawgrass I noticed the flags were limp, hanging straight down on the poles. I thought of our brave fallen heroes of the military, perhaps this was a sign to bow my head and say a prayer to recognize their sacrifice. The dawn was peaceful; the fountain quiet, it seemed as though the water was moving yet no ripples. The camouflaged military vehicle with three rockets perched atop blended into the stone façade of the Clubhouse. As I looked to more limp flags bear the practice range there sat a powerful Blackhawk helicopter with blades motionless. The stage was silent yet posed to come to life.
Silence returned as the colors of our country were presented followed by the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. Speeches were made and words uttered with the message that hit home the most was given by Phil as he turned, looked at the American flag and noted it meant two things to him- freedom and the cost of that freedom. This was a day to love, to respect and to honor our military and their families, especially the unborn babies in the wombs of the 30 mothers-to-be. These families need support and that takes money. That is where this event and the PGA TOUR make their impact; their job is to raise money for charity.
A General by the name of Brown got up and misspoke referencing ‘TPC’ as ‘TPG,’ then told a story that hits home. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides full college scholarship grants to surviving children of Special Ops personnel lost in combat missions. They will come find you when you are a junior in high school and walk you through the college selection process. If your college grades are not up to par then you will get a visit from the Delta Force and receive all the help you need to graduate. Maybe the General had it right- TPG- Tournament Players Generosity or Gratitude? This was one of nine charities to benefit from this fundraising event at TPG Sawgrass.

I haven’t been to a baby shower in quite some time but I can tell you this… as good as the military salute was to our soldiers, this was a bigger hug to mothers and their “baby bumps.” LeAnn Morrissey, founder of Operation Shower in 2007 spoke of the challenge of military spouses to “make family” wherever they move and “doing it all” in the absence of a spouse who is overseas defending our country. Amy Mickelson and Cathy Justice spoke of the joys and responsibility of motherhood. Mothers hold children’s hands for a while and hold their hearts forever. Then lunch was over and there were presents galore and a party broke out!
While there is a special sense of joy, suspense and excitement on Sunday, typically Mother’s Day at THE PLAYERS, this morning’s events took the TPC Sawgrass Splash, whatever that is, to a new level. This was truly a special day for mothers at TPC Sawgrass and it was an honor and lots of fun to be a part of. With my writing work done, I will now head back over to TPC Nineteen for Happy Hour. If I can’t find a Splash, I think I might just have to try Fuzzy’s Vodka to celebrate!