ING Contacts are Key to Success

What better place to announce a “Journey to Olympic Golf” than at the International Network of Golf (ING) 23rd Annual Spring Conference at Reunion Resort in Orlando, Florida?

What better place to meet people than at an “International Network of Golf” function especially if you are planning an international charity raising golf trip like “Journey to Olympic Golf (JTOG).”

Join ING

Golf’s “Granddaddy” of networking organizations, ING is “where media and the golf industry connect.” Not only did I benefit from three outstanding educational seminars addressing key areas in the game and business of golf (Wellness, Social Media Marketing and Golf Club Technology), I met some wonderful people who took an interest in my JTOG venture. Here are just a few of them.

Nancy Fox (The Business Fox, Networking Expert & Author) showed me how to embrace the opportunity to develop and nurture relationships over the four-day ING conference. As part of the Social Media Marketing panel she shared her experience, strength and wisdom on how to build successful business relationships, in person and on line. I highly recommend her book Network Like a Fox and the associated workbook. Find her now, she can help your business inside or outside of golf!