Arriving at Córdoba Golf Club… also known as the El Plato and El Gato Club as evidenced by the entrance sign!
Three day visit to Córdoba Golf Club was awesome, great people, great golf course, great club! Felt the beating heart of present day Argentina golf… guest of El Plato (Angel Cabrera’s Foundation), met and interviewed El Gato (Eduardo Romero)… WOW, what a golfing town in a golfing country! Stayed at this incredible La Casa Grande right across from the 10th green, a golfer’s place to stay if there ever was one! Heading to Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tomorrow! Then Orlando on the 17th! I cannot believe this is Day No. 88 of the “Journey to Olympic Golf.” Time flies by, doesn’t it? welcome 2014! (-: (Facebook Post 15 Pics, Andy Reistetter, 1/6/14)

Sat down and had a great conversation with Eduardo Romero, El Gato! Great guy! Reminds me of a Latin Billy Ray Brown! (-:

My hosts at Córdoba Golf Club- Gustavo Oliva Funes on the right and the great amateur golfer Roberto Monguzzi on the left. Small world, many stories playing golf with these two guys for three days!

Arriving in Cordoba after taking a sleeper bus from Buenos Aires, a great way to travel in Argentina! I miss Torch but not the driving though the 6,500 miles to Panama City were very exciting!

Lots of fun with Jorge & Maria at the Tourist office… had an original problem on the internet because they were talking Cordoba, Spain and I was in Argentina! So funny!