Here it is the “Innerview” by Ann Ligouri which was an amazing experience! It’s fun to be interviewed by someone who gets you and what you are trying to do. Definitely a combination of Golf, Travel, and TROML Baby! Her introduction says it all and is one of the nicest compliments of my life! Thanks Ann!
“Here to brighten up the morning is my good friend Andy Reistetter who is a travel extraordinaire and an explorer of places and people. Andy collects friends all over the world and deposits his smile and positive attitude along the way.”—Ann Ligouri
Looking forward to being ‘innerviewed’ by my friend, the incomparable Ann Liguori, on her radio show tomorrow Saturday morning at 9 am EST. You can hear ‘Sports Innerview with Ann Liguori’ LIVE from 9-10AM EST on & for those closer to The Hamptons, on WPPB 88.3 FM, Long Island’s only NPR affiliate. Each show is archived in the radio section of Thinking we will be talking about Olympic Golf but who knows where a conversation with Ann will go! Who can tell where this picture was taken? (Facebook Post with 1 pic, 10/21/16, Andy Reistetter).
Hmmm… Ann is quite the artist and so far has artistically dodged my attempts to interview her… stay tuned!!!